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Introducing: Find My Meds

We take comparison shopping for granted in most areas of our life. Thanks to Amazon, Google, and others, it’s really easy to see who has the cheapest price for those sunglasses or that pair of shoes.
Until now, that hasn’t been true of our prescriptions. Despite the fact that there are material differences by pharmacy, consumers haven’t had access to the data that’s allowed us to make comparisons or cost effective decisions for ourselves.
Our goal is to change that. This week, we launched a new tool in our member portal called Find My Meds. Now SmithRx members can easily search for the online or retail pharmacy near them where they can get their drugs for the lowest out of pocket cost. This takes into account their current pharmacy plan benefits so they see not just an estimated price but the actual amount they will be charged.

Find the lowest cost for your pharmacy drugs with our Find My Meds tool.
This is just the first of many steps we're taking in the coming months to help bring directed consumerism to healthcare. If you're a SmithRx member, log into your account (from the Log In button at the top right) and let us know what you think. You can chat with us from the bottom right widget on the screen if you need help setting up your account or with feedback or questions.
A new type of pharmacy benefits manager, SmithRx is working to reduce pharmacy costs by reimagining the traditional PBM as a Drug Acquisition Platform built on transparent modern technology that aligns with the needs of our customers.
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